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 The Importance of Early Amplification in Children with Hearing Loss

Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Audiology Lecturer Ayşe ÖZER gave information on “The Importance of Early Amplification in Children with Hearing Loss” at the Multidisciplinary Child Summit held on May 23, 2021.

Commenting on the importance of hearing Lecturer Ayşe Özer said, “The sense of hearing bases the development of verbal language by enabling us to communicate with our environment. The problems that occur in verbal language development due to hearing loss, which can be defined as the decrease or disappearance of the sensitivity of the hearing sense, the child; It also reflects on cognitive, social and emotional development. These problems in development result in low academic achievement when the child reaches school age. All of these limit the ability of the individual with hearing loss to lead a free life.” She continued her speech by emphasizing the importance of early diagnosis in individuals with hearing loss.
“Early diagnosis and intervention of hearing loss, which adversely affects all developmental areas, is of great importance for both the child and family and the society in which they live. Within the scope of the National Newborn Hearing Screening Program (NHSP), which started in 2004 in our country and continues in all provinces as of 2018, newborns are screened for hearing loss before they leave the hospital. Thanks to NHSP, many babies are diagnosed with hearing loss in the neonatal period, which paves the way for early intervention. In other words, thanks to the screening program, hearing loss is detected at an early stage and intervention begins with hearing aids.”

Lecturer Ayşe Özer listed risk factors that cause hearing loss in newborns are; parents or caregivers suspect the development of hearing, speech, language or behavior, family history of childhood hearing loss, stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for more than 5 days or hospitalization in the NICU (independent of duration).

“OABR must be used in Hearing Screening. The family should be informed about the risk factors and the baby's audiological follow-up. In some cases, the family should be informed that hearing loss may occur later or progressively. Families of babies who have passed the test should be informed that audiological control should be performed at the reference center once a year until the age of 3 years.

Özer drew attention to the 1-3-6 rule in early diagnosis and intervention programs, “It is aimed to screen the hearing of newborn babies in the first 1 month, to make the final diagnosis within the first 3 months, after the audiological evaluations, and to initiate the appropriate intervention for the baby with hearing loss within the first 6 months. ”

“Audiological services for hearing loss starting with newborn hearing screening include diagnosis of the child with hearing loss (early diagnosis and intervention), determination of the type, degree and configuration of hearing loss, individual amplification selection for the child, provision of re/habilitation services, providing counseling services to families, teachers and children regarding hearing loss.”
Lecturer Ayşe Özer mentioned important issues for choosing the right amplification. “The age of the child, the age at which the hearing loss begins, the age at which the hearing loss is diagnosed, type of hearing loss, degree of hearing loss, configuration of the hearing loss, and if the hearing loss is bilateral and there is no anatomical obstacle, the hearing aid selection in the pediatric group must be bilateral. Because the ear canal and auricle grow with age, behind-the-ear models are generally preferred for the pediatric group. The earmold should be taken correctly so as not to cause feedback. It should be changed at regular intervals by the audiologist."

“If the auditory input deprivation is prolonged, the sensory deprivation becomes deeper due to insufficient stimulation of the brain, and this deprivation inhibits not only auditory learning but also neural development.” Ayşe Özer emphasized the importance of neuroplasticity and said: “Appropriate amplification should be applied. Rehabilitation should begin as soon as possible in children with hearing loss.”

Lecturer Ayşe Özer concluded her speech as follows:

“If appropriate interventions are not made for speech and language learning, children with hearing impairment; lag behind their peers in terms of cognitive skills, social-emotional development, and academic success. Early diagnosis of hearing loss, appropriate amplification, and rehabilitation should be initiated so that it does not adversely affect children's academic success and social relationships."