Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr
For your satisfaction and complaints   İGÜMER
 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr



The use of hearing aids has an important place in hearing loss rehabilitation by reducing and even improving the negative effects of hearing loss. Hearing aids, which are used as an effective treatment method, come in a variety of styles, such as behind-the-ear, in-ear, and in-canal, and these types are selected by the degree of hearing loss and age of the individual.

Many inventories are used to evaluate the satisfaction of individuals with hearing aids and the effect of hearing aid use on quality of life after hearing aid use. Significant increases in the quality of life of the patients were noticed after the use of hearing aids in the studies, and it was concluded that the hearing aids were effective. However, most individuals with hearing loss refuse to use hearing aids. It is necessary to consider the processes of acceptance, benefit, and satisfaction for the use of hearing aids in individuals with hearing loss.
Hearing aid satisfaction cannot be realized without experiencing the process of accepting the hearing aids. While the hearing aid's benefits can be proven through specific testing, pleasure with the hearing aid is based on personal preference. Thus, individuals accept or reject the use of hearing aids. The major goal is to maximize the benefits of hearing aid adaptation. Acceptance may be hampered if the hearing aid is not selected in accordance with the individual's degree of hearing loss, age, and lifestyle.
Reasons Not to Use Hearing Aids
Not using the hearing aid for a variety of reasons, including cosmetic issues, poor sound quality, and feedback (returning the sound from the hearing aid's speaker to the microphone and increasing it again). An audiologist performs essential hearing tests during the hearing instrumentation process, and a hearing aid is recommended. Then, a hearing aid appropriate for the degree, configuration, and individual of the hearing loss is selected and applied.
One of the most common reasons why a hearing aid is not used is that it is deemed "unnecessary". Individuals with hearing loss who claim that hearing aids are not necessary assert that they can hear properly without them. Another factor influencing use is the misconception that hearing loss exclusively affects the elderly.
The failure to successfully integrate hearing aids into individuals' daily lives, the "discomfort" factor (pain, allergic reactions, and disturbing sound intensity), the belief that hearing aid parts will need to be changed frequently, and the use of hearing aids is not seen as a priority are the main reasons.
Hearing aids with new technology have a stylish design and are nearly invisible in size. Many of them may be altered to fit the environment simply by utilizing a smartphone app. However, customers frequently fail to figure out how to use the application and give up, which has a negative impact on their process.
Another reason people do not use hearing aids is the high cost of the instrument. 
While hearing aids do not stop the progression of hearing loss, they do help preserve speech discrimination scores and speech perception. Routine hearing aid use includes ease of adaptation, getting the most out of the instrument, dementia protection, and contributing to better communication. It is well recognized that it improves a person's quality of life as compared to the time spent without the hearing aid.
        Res. Asst. Azize KÖSEOĞLU
Res. Asst. Çağla TÜRK