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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr


 More than 70 thousand students attended career planning courses

The career planning course prepared by the Presidency Human Resources Office to create career awareness among university students and to support students' career journeys was added to the curriculum of the first graders of the university. A total of 70 thousand 162 students from 47 universities voluntarily attended the courses, which consisted of 14 weeks of content. It is aimed that the career planning course will be delivered in all universities in the 2021-2022 academic year.

A total of 70 thousand 162 students from 47 universities participated in the career planning course, which sets an example in the course practices for the career development of university students by the state administration in the world. The 14-week lesson plan and its contents were prepared in a common standard by the experts of the subjects working in the Presidency in order to provide equal opportunities to all students.
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