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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr


 March 14th Medicine Day Event

Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences celebrated March 14th as Medicine Day.

The 14th March Medicine Day event, organized by the Audiology Department on behalf of the Faculty of Health Sciences, was held on 14.03.2022 at 14:00 with remote access. The event was attended by 91 lecturers and students. The event featured  Asst. Prof. Abdullah Yüksel BARUT and Prof. Dr. Kadircan KESKİNBORA as speakers began with a moment of silence and the Turkish National Anthem.
Asst. Prof. Abdullah Yüksel BARUT started his speech, titled "March 14th Medicine Day" by explaining the historical development of medical education in our country. Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Adliye-i Şahane had its first graduates in 1843. In 1909, Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Şahane, which was opened when Dr. Cemil Topuzlu was dean, had to take a break from education for 6 months due to the Tripoli and Balkan wars in 1912 and the First World War on July 28, 1914 and even sent its hardworking and successful students to the Caucasus Front. On November 3, 1914, 765 medical students volunteered to join the Çanakkale Front. In this case, the medical school could not graduate in 1921. Bless their souls.
Dr. Hikmet BORAN graduated from Military Medical School in 1922. Tıbbiyeli Hikmet attended the Sivas Congress as a representative for Darülfünun. The first Medicine Day celebration was held on March 14, 1919, with the hanging of the Turkish flag to start the resistance against the occupation in the Military Medical School under his leadership. On March 14th, Medicine Day is celebrated as the "Medical Officials Who Raised the Flag of Independence against the Colonists".
Asst. Prof. Abdullah Yüksel BARUT concluded his speech with the words of Gazi Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK, "The liberation of the nation from captivity and the ability to live sovereign and independent on our lands will only be possible if determined and honest hands lead the nation to protect its rights and independence in a short and correct way...".
Prof. Dr. Kadircan KESKİNBORA began his speech, "Reviewing the Legacy of Ibn Sina," by expressing his gratitude for the honor of being welcomed on this special day. He began his speech by telling the story of Ibn Sina and then went on to explain his education and intellectual background. It was stated that Ibn Sina pursued scientific pursuits, particularly in astrology and medicine. After discussing the writing process of his works in the field of medicine el-Kânun fi’t-Tıbb and Şifa, it was explained that it had a philosophical effect on both Christian and Eastern philosophers.
The discussion concluded with the introduction of chapters from the book "Revisiting Ibn Sina's (Avicenna) Heritage," which also includes chapters authored by Prof. Dr. Kadircan KESKİNBORA.
We doctors are not bystanders to this history and the republic; rather, we are its defenders. Happy March 14th Medicine Day!

Asst. Prof. Dr. Selva ZEREN