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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr


 Immitansmetric Measurements and Interpretation

An interview titled “Immitansmetric Measurements and Interpretation Activity” was held by Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences Audiology Club. The event, in which Specialist Audiologist Ayhan ADMIŞ participated as a speaker, was held on April 9, 2021 between 11.00 - 12.00, online via Google Meet.

  The opening speech of our event, moderated by our student Çağla Ruşen Kısa, a member of the Faculty of Health Sciences Audiology Club, was given by Assist.Prof.Dr. Selva Zeren and left the floor to Specialist Audiologist Ayhan ADMIŞ.
 Specialist Audiologist Ayhan ADMIŞ started his speech by emphasizing the importance of acoustic immitansmetry in clinical practice. With acoustic immitansmetry, we obtain information about the condition of the eardrum, ossicular chain, eustachian tube, endolymphatic hydrops, semicircular canal dehiscence, cochlear and retrocochlear pathologies. He also continued his words saying that  "Acoustic Immitansmetry also provides information about objective tinnitus."
  Admış focused on the working system of Tympanometry. He stated that tympanometry consisted of TDH 39 headphones and probe. Tympanometry test, the auricle is pulled back and up, the probe is inserted and a 226 Hz probe tone is used, he said. He explained middle ear pressure, admittance, compliance, ear canal volume and gradient.
  He gave information about the normative values of the tympanometry test and tympanogram types. He explained the visuals and features of Type A, Type B, Type C, Type As, Type Ad, Type D, Type E tympanograms, and in which pathologies they may be encountered. He stated that a 1000 Hz probe tone should be used in babies.
 He talked about tympanogram-audiogram analysis. He showed examples of audiograms and tympanograms in various pathologies. He explained the maneuvers called Valsalva and Toynbee, how to do it and how to interpret the results. He explained the measurement of Acoustic Reflex, fistula test, reflex arc, right-left ipsi and contra reflexes.
While talking about Metz Recruitment and Reflex Decay tests; He said The Metz Recruitment Test may be a guide in the diagnosis of cochlear pathologies, and the Reflex Decay Test in the diagnosis of retrocochlear pathologies.
  Specialist Audiologist Ayhan ADMIŞ concluding his speech; He informed that the Acoustic Reflex Test, Reflex Decay Test and Metz Recruitment interpretation are short-term tests that provide reliable information in the distinction between cochlear and retrocochlear pathology. It was a very productive activity for our students.
   While coming to the end of this event organized by the Audiology Club, our Head of Department, Research Assistants and students thanked our speaker, Specialist Audiologist Ayhan ADMIŞ.
   Thus, our activity, which was productive by all our faculty members and students, came to an end.