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 IGU Audiology Met with Kahramanmaraş Dulkadiroğlu Anatolian High School

The Audiology Department at Istanbul Gelişim University Faculty of Health Sciences was introduced to the students of Kahramanmaraş Dulkadirolu Anatolian High School by Selva ZEREN, Head of the Audiology Department.

On May, 11 2022, an interview was held with Selva ZEREN, Head of Audiology Department, as part of the cooperation protocol between Istanbul Gelişim University and Kahramanmaraş Dulkadirolu Anatolian High School.

Zeren, who started the conversation by briefly introducing herself, said, "What is Audiology?" “Audiology is the science of hearing and balance. Audiologists' primary responsibilities include diagnosing hearing loss, selecting the appropriate hearing aid for individuals of all ages, applying the hearing aid, and participating in problem-solving processes. They also deal with rehabilitation," she said.

She stated that audiologists can work as part of the cochlear implant surgery team in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, hearing aid sales and application centers, in the field of industrial audiology, which is one of the working areas of audiology, and they can become academicians by completing a master's degree after their undergraduate education.

"What's the distinction between ENT and Audiology?" In response to the question, "After graduating from medical school, an ENT physician specializes in ENT." An audiologist who performs hearing and balance tests should be on the team of an ENT physician who is particularly interested in the ear."

"What exactly is the distinction between audiology and audiometry?" She replied "Audiology is a four-year program, and audiometry is a two-year degree." "It differs from audiometry in terms of vestibular tests and cochlear implants," she explained.

Zeren emphasized the importance of foreign languages for health departments. Zeren, who described the educational environment, academic staff, laboratories, and curriculum of Istanbul Gelişim University's Audiology Department, added that there is also a master's program.

The productive event concluded with information obtained by Kahramanmaraş Dulkadirolu Anatolian High School students about our university and answers to their questions.