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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr


 Breathing exercises for lungs damaged from coronavirus

Providing breathing exercise techniques for lungs which are damaged by COVID-19 most, Physiotherapist Çağıl Ertürk says, “With the right breathing exercises one can make their lungs ready and stronger against coronavirus. Moreover, stronger lungs can help you overcome the process much easier.”

It is widely known that those who have healthy lungs and a strong immune system are luckier against viruses. In this context, the lungs, on which Covid-19 viruses stick, spread and do the most damage, have become more important for health after the pandemic. Having experienced Covid-19 and expressing that he overcame it much more easily with the breathing exercises he did, Physiotherapist Çağıl Ertürk underlines that the right breathing techniques strengthen not only the lungs but also the whole immune system.

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