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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr


 Being an Audiologist in the Clinic

Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences lecturer, Specialist Audiologist Ayşe Özer, was interviewed by a first year student of the Audiology Department of a foundation university about the Department of Audiology and being an Audiologist.

Specialist Audiologist Ayşe Özer answered the questions asked sincerely.

1-) Can you tell us a little about yourself?

- Hello, I am Ayşe ÖZER, Specialist Audiologist. I was born in 1990 in Şanlıurfa. I graduated from Bezmialem Vakıf University Audiology Department in 2017. In 2020, I completed my master's degree in Neuroscience at Üsküdar University and got my expertise.
- Since 2019, I have been working as a lecturer at Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Audiology and at the same time working as a clinical audiologist at Beylikdüzü Kolan Hospital.

2-) What played a role in your choice of this profession?

-Audiology was a very new department in my time. Its future was bright. The speech of my associate professor led me to this section. Good thing I chose this department.

3-) How do you spend a day in your business life? Can you share with us? How many patients do you examine for a day?

-I am very busy during the day, so I work with an appointment system. I am also lecturing at the university. I try not to take more than 5-6 patients in the hospital, to increase efficiency.

4-) Doesn't it force you to be in both the academic and sectoral part of this job?

-Of course there are challenges but I do not feel tired because I love my job.

5-) What are the most challenging things for you in this profession?

- It was very difficult for me that the patients could not cooperate with the tests. It is very difficult to work especially in the pediatric group. For example, although we work in a comfortable area in the clinical BERA test; babies don't sleep like they do at home, testing takes time and the family feels tired.

6-) How do you deal with stress and sad events in the hospital?

-I do my job very fondly, so I feel lucky. Whatever you do, you will overcome your difficulties if you love it.

7-) Have you had any training at university or afterwards to establish a healthy communication with patients?

-No, I didn't get additional training on this. At the university, the foundation is given, and then I developed personal relationships.

8-) I wonder the answer to this question because you have clinical experience; Have you ever had an operation with your audiologist title?

-Yes, I do clinical BERA test under general anesthesia to my patients with additional disabilities. For this, I often enter the operating room. Since cochlear implant surgery is not performed in the clinic I work in, I do not attend to surgeries.

9-) What was your most exciting experience in your professional life?

- In my first surgery, when I did the clinical BERA test and the first day I started academically, I was very excited.

10-) Do you have a life experience that you think would be beneficial for audiologist candidates to know?

- There may be difficulties and obstacles in everyone's life. This can happen in both education and business life. The advice I can give is that; Let them never give up, always work for the better and aim to improve themselves.

11-) Is there anything you would like to be changed or improved in the field of Audiology?
-I believe that the quality of education will increase if there are more academically instructors and lecturers.

12-) What advice would you like to give audiology students?

- Let them do their job lovingly and patiently, that's the most important thing. My advice to our students is that they should always improve themselves, especially a foreign language is a must.

13-) Do you have something that you want to add finally?

- Thank you for giving me such a nice opportunity. I am happy to meet a young and talented person like you. I wish you success in your education and work.