Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr


 Audiology Seminars in Week 4 of the 2021–2022 Spring Semester

Seminar presentations by the Audiology Department's research assistants regarding the Audiology Department will continue until the end of the spring semester.

Seminar presentations this week by Res. Asst. Çağla TÜRK's presentation on "Audiological Evaluation of the Outer Ear". Türk started her presentation by talking about outer ear diseases.
Congenital/ developmental diseases (Treacher-Collins Syndrome, preauricular fistula, auricular deformities, microtia/anotia/atresia/ external ear canal (EAC) stenosis, prominent ear deformity), infectious/inflammatory diseases (otitis externa, Ramsey Hunt Syndrome, EAC furuncle) , EAC eczema, EAC mycosis – otomycosis, auricular perichondritis), traumatic diseases (auricular lacerations, othematome, auricular freezing, auricular burns, chemical injuries), foreign bodies in EAC (insects, beads, etc.) and other diseases (semen presence, etc.) have all been mentioned. Türk presented visuals for related disease groups.
Then she talked about test batteries that can be used in the audiological evaluation of the outer ear.
"The first step in the audiological evaluation of the outer ear is the otoscopic examination," she said. She reported pure tone audiometry test, tympanometry test, acoustic reflex test, ABR test, tuning fork tests (Weber, Rinne) and possible results in outer ear diseases. She mentioned the bone conduction hearing aid.
Türk continued her talk with case examples of outer ear diseases, presenting case examples for conditions such as external ear infection, cerumen presence, Treacher Collins syndrome, and ear canal deformation. Türk concluded her discussion with an example of an article.
The Audiology Department's lecturers and students attended the seminar, and at the end of the presentation, the productive seminar concluded with their comments on the subject and appreciation for the presentation.