Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr
For your satisfaction and complaints   İGÜMER
 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr



The Audiology Club of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) hosted a seminar titled "Real Ear Measurement Practices (REM)" on April 20, 2022, from 10:30 to 16:00, with Specialist Audiologist Mümine Görgülü as a speaker.

“What is real ear measurement (REM)?” Starting her speech with a question, Görgülü stated that REM is performed by audiologists, it is not a hearing test, and the sound given from the loudspeaker when a hearing aid is inserted is a measurement of the sound pressure level in the patient's ear canal. She went on to say, "Real ear measurements are a reliable and efficient technique to evaluate the benefit of hearing aid volume amplification."

We need to perform REM to see if appropriate amplification can be obtained, to assure patient satisfaction, and to require less recalibration, according to Görgülü. If adequate amplification is provided, a suitable basis for fewer repeat adjustments will be created, she said.

Explaining that REM was measured using a silicone probe tube placed in the ear canal connected to a microphone outside the ear, Görgülü continued the program by making applications with the students of our department, theoretically transferring this information to our students.

At the end of the program called "Real Ear Measurement Applications" organized by the Audiology Club, our Head of Audiology Department, Asst. Prof. Selva ZEREN thanked the speaker, Specialist Audiologist Mümine GÖRGÜLÜ for her participation in the event, and then presented a plaque of appreciation.

Our productive event ended with the answers to the questions of our Audiology department students.