Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr


 Applications for "TEKNOFEST 2024 Technology Competitions" have started!

TEKNOFEST 2024 Technology Competitions, where the world's largest technology competitions will be held, will be organized in 46 different categories and 117 subcategories this year. Teams that pass the preliminary selection in competitions where young people, graduates, and professionals from all levels of education, from primary school to university and above, will be provided with more than TL 55 million in material support and transportation-accommodation support for the finalists. Furthermore, more than TL 30 million in monetary awards will be given to the qualified teams. Applications can be made until February 20, 2024, to participate in the competitions at TEKNOFEST.

Click for the details.