Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr


 2021-2022 Spring Semester Audiology Seminars

In the seminar presentations of the Audiology Department, this week, Res. Asst. Çağla TÜRK's presentation on "Acoustic Reflex" was held.

Türk started her presentation by talking about the definition of acoustic reflex. She presented an example case presentation and visuals on acoustic reflex. She talked about the necessary conditions for the observation of acoustic reflexes.
He explained how to obtain ipsilateral and contralateral reflex recordings, as well as what is required for recording an acoustic reflex arc.
Regarding the clinical application of the acoustic reflex, it is used to examine middle ear pathologies, to differentiate between otosclerosis and ossicular chain ruptures, to detect pathologies that cause conductive loss, and to differentiate between sensorineural hearing losses (metz test, reflex decay) and facial nerve lesions.
She mentioned that it is used in the topographic evaluation of the lesion. She explained the concepts of acoustic stapes reflex, reflex decay and metz recruitment.
Reporting acoustic reflex findings based on pathologies, Turk, conduction type pathologies, cochlear pathologies, retrocochlear pathologies, VII. nerve damage, VIII. nerve (auditory nerve) tumor, intra-axial brainstem pathologies, VII. evaluated acoustic reflex results in nerve (facial nerve) peripheral lesions.
Following her Auditory Neuropathy Case presentation, Türk shared an article about acoustic reflex and concluded her talk by summarizing the issue.
The Audiology Department's instructors and students attended the seminar, which allowed for both face-to-face and online involvement.
The seminar was productive at the end of the presentation, with their contributions to the subject and compliments for the presentation.