Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr
For your satisfaction and complaints   İGÜMER
 Faculty of Health Sciences - sbf@gelisim.edu.tr


Please find the latest information about IGUYET 2 here.


Dear Students,

The IGUYET 2 English proficiency exam will take place on 28-29-20 September 2021. You can do the test and the writing parts of the exam individually on Tuesday 28 September 2021 between 10.00-23.59 via the universities learning management system, ALMS.

The Speaking part of the exam will take place on 28-29-30 September. You are assigned a date and time slot on one of these three days. Please search for your student number on the list below to find out your allocated date and time. We would like to remind you that you are only allowed to take the speaking part of the exam on your allocated time, so it is VERY IMPORTANT that you attend your time slot.

Once again we would like to remind you that the exam is going to be conducted via the university’s learning management system, ALMS. To access ALMS, please go to the following link:https://lms.gelisim.edu.tr/Account/LoginBefore

The username is your student number (i.e. 190123456), and the default password is your T.R. identity number. 

If you are having technical issues with the system please contact the Distance Education Unit at uzem@gelisim.edu.tr or call (0212)422 70 00- extension 7912. 

You can find out your speaking date and time information here: IGUYET 2 Öğrenci Listesi (Speaking)

Best of luck!